May 11, 2010 04:31 by
Atıf Efendi Library The Atıf Efendi Library was completed by Köprülü Fazil Ahmet Paşa, the son of Köprülü Mehmet Paşa, in 1678. It was the second library to have its own independent building after the Köprülü Library in the Ottoman State. The Atif Mustafa Efendi Library was established in t...
November 16, 2009 00:16 by
Piri Reis University is a new and independent university primarily focusing on marine and maritime related programmes of education and research with students mainly between the ages of 18-22. The University has been officially been approved by the National Government and educational authorities and ...
November 16, 2009 00:13 by
Activities for the foundation of Özyeğin University were initiated by the Husnu M. Özyeğin Foundation in the autumn of 2005. During the foundation activities, research was conducted which involved more than 500 individuals including businessmen, professors, and university and high school students...
November 15, 2009 23:44 by
OKAN CULTURE, EDUCATION, AND SPORTS FOUNDATION Okan Culture, Education, and Sports Foundation was founded in 1986, with the aim of conducting research and studies in the economic, social, and cultural fields and identifying problems relating to sports, health, and education, and helping the governm...
November 15, 2009 23:39 by
Principles of Education “Modern in Education and Free in Thought" is one of the most important principles of Maltepe University. The aim of Maltepe University is to educate students to be competitive with their peers all over the world, to be dynamic, rational, creative, collaborative intellec...
November 15, 2009 23:34 by
Koç University's mission is; to produce the most capable graduates by providing a world-class education to advance the frontiers of knowledge and to contribute to the benefit of Turkey and humanity at large.</LI> Koç University's graduates will be leaders in their respective professions, cri...
November 15, 2009 23:26 by
Today, Istanbul Commerce has matured into one of the Istanbul�s great universities offering a wide range of academic and professional programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Istanbul Commerce University's 20 undergraduate majors are primarily focused on a competitive curriculum and they a...
November 15, 2009 23:20 by
The most important factor influencing the rise of social systems is the production and organization of knowledge. BSV is a research and educational institution that tries, on the one hand, to understand main dynamics of contemporary world and, on the other hand, to contribute to finding the ‘roots’ ...
November 15, 2009 23:08 by
15 Temmuz 1997 tarihinde 4281 sayılı yasa ile kurulan kamu tüzel kişiliğine sahip bir Vakıf Üniversitesidir. 2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu uyarınca eğitim ve öğretim yapmaktadır ve bir devlet üniversitesinin her türlü hak ve yetkisine sahiptir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletinin ve Türk Milletinin &...
November 15, 2009 23:01 by
Marmara University with more than 3000 distinguished faculty members and a student body reaching 60.000, located in several different campuses scattered throughout the most important city of our country, Istanbul, following a great tradition has been one of the leading institutions of higher educati...
November 15, 2009 22:58 by
İstanbul Bilim University was established by the Turkish Cardiology Foundation by the decree published in Official Gazette dated 28 March 2006 No: 26122 (Decree No: 5475 Date of acceptance: 22.03.2006). İstanbul Bilim University was founded and started education and training at the beginning of the...
November 15, 2009 22:53 by
ITU was established in 1773, during the time of the Ottoman Sultan Mustafa III. With its original name "Muhendishane-i Bahr-i Humayun", The Royal School of Naval Engineering, its responsibility was to educate chart masters and ship builders. In 1795, the "Muhendishane-i Berr-i Humayun...
November 15, 2009 22:40 by
Osman Hamdi Bey, who took painting education in Paris, was the director of İstanbul Acheology Museum and he was assigned for another duty on January 1, 1882: Being appointed as the director of Sanayi-i Nefise Mekteb-i Alisi (The Imperial School of Fine Arts). This was assumed as the first step towar...
November 15, 2009 22:32 by
İstanbul Arel University was established on 18th May, 2008 by Kemal Gözükara Education and Culture Foundation. Our university consists of 5 faculties: Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Communication, Faculty of Economics and Administrativ...
November 15, 2009 22:23 by
About Işık Established in 1996, Isik University is the pride of the deeply rooted education tradition of a 123-year old foundation called Feyziye Mektepleri Vakfı. This foundation started education under the name Feyz-i Sıbyan Mektebi, on December 14, 1885 in Salonika and has witnessed an era start...
November 15, 2009 22:20 by
Türkiye bu gün Avrupa Birliği ile bütünleşme süreci içindedir. Ülkemizin dışa açılma ve çağdaş gelişmeyi yakalayabilmesi ancak çağdaş düzeyde bir eğitim seferberliği sonucunda mümkün olabilecektir. Haliç Üniversitesinin bu hedefe yönelik olarak benimsediği eğitim-öğretim yöntemi öğrencinin analiz ve...
November 15, 2009 22:06 by
About University From The Rector Dear Prospective Students, Life has days on which very important decisions have to be made. You are just on the eve of such significant days that will shape your future... Foundation and Brief History Founded by Turkish Association of Health and Medical Tre...
November 15, 2009 21:58 by
Our Vision Our vision is to be a world university, adopting learner-centered educational systems, principles of life-long learning, the power to change, and the ability to be flexible. Our Mission Educating responsible individuals, committed followers of Atatürk’s principles who recognise an...
November 15, 2009 21:51 by
University - History - General Information A distinctive past of more than 500 years in education and training: Galatasaray The university now known as Galatasaray University was first established in 1481 by Sultan Beyazit II and was called the Galata Palace ('Galata Saray') as an "Enderun-...
November 15, 2009 21:45 by
The mission and vision of our university is to be a university which educates individuals who adopt a system of modern and scientific thinking in principle, reach information sources rapidly with the help of the technological infrastructure and equipment of their university, and embrace the future w...
November 15, 2009 21:39 by
Today, 85 years after the foundation of Turkish Republic, education is still considered the most important investment families make on their children. Also, in a country where one third of the population is young people between 10-24 years of age, this imposes additional care and responsibility on t...
November 15, 2009 21:24 by
Istanbul is a beautiful city of stunning architecture, history and culture. You'll find ancient and modern colleges, fascinating museums and galleries, and plenty of parks, gardens and green spaces in which to relax. Although the city is spread over a large area,you will have easy reach to anywhere ...
November 15, 2009 20:58 by
GENERAL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTER The Yeditepe University Library and Information Center is composed of a Central Library and Information Center and two specialized libraries, one for School of Dentistry and the other for the MBA Program, both of which are presently located outside...
September 12, 2009 10:41 by
Creating and Developing Together Sabancı University's founding raison d'être and operational philosophy Vision We will be an innovative institution responsive to the needs of all of our constituents through a participatory, team based culture. We will have an interdisciplinary educational infr...
September 12, 2009 10:37 by
Robert College was founded in Istanbul,Turkey, by Dr.Cyrus Hamlin,an educator, inventor, technician, architect and builder, and Mr. Christopher Rheinlander Robert, a well-known philanthropist and a wealthy merchant from New York. Initially Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, an ingenious New Englander of versatile ...
September 12, 2009 10:31 by
BİLGİ Education and Culture Foundation was established on October 31, 1994 in accordance with the Turkish Civil Law by Oğuz Özerden, Latif Mutlu, Prof. Dr. Asaf Savaş Akat, Bülent Akarcalı, Prof. Dr. Uğur Alacakaptan, Prof. Dr. Toktamış Ateş, Orhun Çavdar, Prof. Dr. Lale Duruiz, Yiğit Ekmekçi, Orhan...
August 30, 2009 13:26 by
One of the main characteristics of Istanbul University is its leadership in higher education for centuries. It has played a guiding and influential role in the social and cultural life of our country. We can clearly see this when we trace the line of historical development of the University.